By Doreen Marchionni, Hans K. Meyer and Esther Thorson WJMCR 46 (February 2014) Introduction | Literature Review | Independent Variables | Dependent Variables | Results | Discussion | Conclusions Abstract Hostile-media-effects research suggests some news consumers identify in even the most even-handed news stories as against their own position. The present experiment searched for hostile media effects in people’s responses to news stories and blogs that were either […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Usage of the Internet and Its Effect On Youth Development
By Toktam Namayandeh Joorabchi, Md. Salleh Hj. Hassan and Mohd. Nizam Osman WJMCR 45 (October 2013) Introduction | Research Questions | Patterns of Internet Usage | Gratification of Internet Usage | Positive Youth Development | Research Methodology| Reach and Growth | Gratifications | Conclusion Abstract These days, more information is presented to more people from more sources than at any time in human history. This study was designed by applying the […]
Challenges for Human Information-Seeking Research In the Emerging Communication Environment
By Kathleen A. Hansen and Nora Paul WJMCR 44 (June 2013) Introduction | Human Factors | Research Factors | Case Lessons | Meeting the Challenges Abstract This paper discusses the challenges of understanding human information seeking from the framework of Case’s examination of thousands of studies and Hantula’s plea for “newer understanding of the wisdom of older theories.” This review of the opportunities, and […]
A Content Analysis of Journalists’ Blogs with Special Reference to Driving Forces for Blog Writing
By Agya Ram Pandey, Amitabh Srivastava and Pashyanti Shukla WJMCR 43 (January 2013) Introduction | Literature Review | Method | Results and Discussion | Conclusion Abstract In the ever changing world of media, blogs have been emerged as a bridge. They are not only crossing the limits presented by time and space but also shortening the widening drift between communicator and addressee. Most importantly, […]
Web 2.0 Adoption and User Characteristics
By Jennifer Allyson Dooley, Sandra C. Jones and Don Iverson WJMCR 42 (June 2012) The Evolution of Web 2.0 | Methodology | Conclusion Abstract A literature review and online search were conducted to document the rate of Web 2.0 adoption and to profile user characteristics. Substantial increases over time in reach and growth of the Internet and Web 2.0 by […]
Journalism and Mass Communication Education in the Trend Toward Convergence: A Content Analysis of 2010-2011 Faculty Hiring Announcements with a New Media Emphasis
By Ying Roselyn Du WJMCR 39 (December 2011) Introduction | Literature Review | Methods | Results and Discussion | Conclusions, Limitations and Future Research Abstract Recent years have witnessed the increasing need for new media faculty in the journalism and mass communication (JMC) field. This study content analyzed job advertisements in the U.S.-based AEJMC News for the 2010-2011 recruiting season in search of new media faculty, and […]
Restrictions on Journalistic Freedom in The Regional and Local Polish Press, As Exemplified by the Lublin Region
By Lidia Pokrzycka WJMCR 38 (November 2011) Press Law | Lawsuits | Journalists’ Associations | Methods | Results | Conclusion Abstract The Constitution of Poland guarantees freedom of expression, but the guarantee really protects publishers, but not journalists. An online survey of journalists in the Lublin Region of Poland shows that social pressures and concern about status in the profession constitute significant constraints on newspaper reporting […]
Factors Influencing Sports Consumption in the Era of New Media
By Brad Schultz and Mary Lou Sheffer WJMCR 37 (October 2011) Literature Review | Research Questions and Methodology | Results | Discussion | Limitations and Future Research | Conclusion Abstract The age of new media technologies, including social media and mobile delivery systems, has affected the way people consume sports. In order to assess these changes, this study focused on the relationship between sports media interest, […]
Using Email to Create Collective Identity
By Monica Brasted WJMCR 36 (September 2011) Introduction | Method | Modes of Communication | Collective Identity: Frames | Boundaries | Emotional Investment | Conclusion Abstract The internet has changed the ability of social movements to carry out political organizing. It has also become a tool for expressing movement identities. Wall (2007) has argued that collective identity can be fostered through the frames created, the boundaries drawn and […]
Blogging the Meltdown: Comparing the Coverage of the Economic Crisis in Journalistic Blogs vs. Economic Blogs
By Michael Sheehy and Hong Ji WJMCR 35 (August 2011) Introduction | Literature Review | Method| Findings | Discussion Abstract This content analysis examines coverage of the U.S. economic crisis of 2008-2009 by 25 economics blogs. The study sought to identify differences in the coverage by bloggers of different professional backgrounds. The study found that journalist bloggers wrote more often about government/regulator topics […]