By Mary Lou Sheffer and Brad Schultz WJMCR 48 (June 2014) Introduction | Literature Review | Research Questions and Methodology | Results | Discussion Abstract As a follow-up to previous research, this study took a uses and gratifications approach to more clearly define sports media consumption patterns among women. Based on survey data from more than 2,500 respondents nationwide, it was found that […]
Tag Archives: Brad Schultz
Factors Influencing Sports Consumption in the Era of New Media
By Brad Schultz and Mary Lou Sheffer WJMCR 37 (October 2011) Literature Review | Research Questions and Methodology | Results | Discussion | Limitations and Future Research | Conclusion Abstract The age of new media technologies, including social media and mobile delivery systems, has affected the way people consume sports. In order to assess these changes, this study focused on the relationship between sports media interest, […]
Are Blogs Changing the News Values of Newspaper Reporters?
By Mary Lou Sheffer and Brad Schultz WJMCR 16 (July 2009) Introduction|Research Questions|Method|Results|Discussion|Conclusion Abstract Traditional news outlets such as newspapers are incorporating blogs as part of their content in an effort to reach new audiences. Because blogs are typically opinionated and personal how newspapers present their blogs could indicate a shift from traditional journalism values. This […]
How U.S. Television Stations are Responding to Digital Conversion
Brad Schultz [WJMCR 5:3 June 2002] Sections: Introduction|Theory|Results|Discussion|Limitations|Conclusion Introduction According to the Federal Communications Commission and other important industry stakeholders, the transition to digital television continues to move forward full steam ahead. As of January 2003, for example, the FCC indicated that 94% of eligible U.S. television stations had been granted a digital construction permit or […]