The Web Journal of Mass Communication Research


1. FOCUS: The Web Journal of Mass Communication Research was founded 1997 during the Internet’s infancy by journalist and scholar Guido Stempel III, and has since published a number of groundbreaking studies at the intersection of the Web and mass communication. Stempel, who passed away in 2016, believed that open-source publishing was essential to the enrichment of academic knowledge. WJMCR’s current editor, Dr. Hans Meyer, honors his legacy by ensuring the journal’s content remains available, while also encouraging new scholars to connect. Today, the journal’s goal is to make its wealth of knowledge available to all digitally and to provide avenues for publishing Internet-related mass communication research to scholars everywhere.

Meyer welcomes news submissions on a rolling basis to his email address ( Read submission and citation information here

2. NUMBERING + DATE SYSTEM: Beginning with Volume 9 each issue is numbered the next number in the sequence, and the date of each issue is the month/year we posted the article.

We are also working on a system to allow readers to more easily create and download PDFs of the journal’s research. On each manuscript page, click the button on the top right of the article to get started.

3. SUBMISSIONS: For more detailed submission information, visit the Submissions page. In brief, we accept electronic submissions via email. You can attach your manuscript as a Word, ODT, Google Doc, or PDF file. Make sure that you scrub the manuscript of all information that could identify the author. If the editor feels your work matches the aims of the journal, he will send it to at least two members of the editorial board for blind review.

4. DOMAIN NAME: The domain sadly was not renewed and has lapsed. The new domain is Please update your links accordingly.

5. RSS: The rss feed still exists, but we know most of our readers don’t use RSS feeds any longer. We plan to allow interested people to subscribe to the WordPress site soon to receive updates when new research is posted.

