Uses of New Media Before 2011 By Egyptian Political Movements

By Amen Said Abel-Ghany  WJMCR 41 (March 2011) Introduction | Literature Review | Hypotheses | Method | Results | Discussion and Conclusion Abstract This study examines the ability of new media to support democracy and play a role in changing Egypt as a model for developing countries. This is accomplished through studying the use of Egyptian political movements such as the “Kfaiya Movement”, “April 6 Youth Movement” […]

Shifting Circles: Reconceptualizing Shoemaker and Reese’s Theory of a Hierarchy of Influences on Media Content for a Newer Media Era

By Susan Keith WJMCR 29 (February 2011) Introduction | Gatekeeping Roots | Hierarchy of Influences | Reconceptualizing | Conclusion Abstract Drawing on Merrill Morris and Christine Ogan’s 1996 call for researchers to pursue theoretically grounded approaches to the Internet’s “many different configurations of communication,” this article considers two ways in which  Shoemaker and  Reese’s model of a hierarchy of influences on media content might […]